When you are employed in Australia, under most circumstances you are entitled to Superannuation. If you are unsure if you are entitled to Superannuation Contributions from your employer, you should refer to the ATO website www.ato.gov.au.
Your employer’s superannuation contributions are in additional to your wages. The amount that they contribute is a percentage of your gross wages. For the 2018/2019 Financial Year it is 9.5% of your gross wages, however, this is expected to increase in future years. The contributions are known as Super Guarantee contributions (SG contributions).
This was introduced to assist supporting you throughout retirement due to our higher life expectancy and that it is unlikely that the Government Age Pension alone will give you the lifestyle you desire in retirement.
There are four main types of Super funds. These are:
Industry Funds – These are open to most people. Often your employer will have one of these funds available if you don’t have a fund. They are usually run by the employers association or union. They are usually limited in investment choice and offering.
Corporate Funds – These funds are usually established by your employer through a fund provider. These types of funds often have member benefits and group discounts.
Personal Funds – These can be retail or wholesale depending on your Super balance, they can be tailored to your situation and have a wide range of investment options and benefits.
Self Managed Super Funds – These are “do it yourself” funds. As the Trustee / Member of the fund you are responsible for your Superannuation Investments, operation, administration, compliance and investment strategy of the fund.
At Core Financial Services, we are able to advise which Superannuation Policy is the best for you personally. We are able to provide advice in areas of:
- Superannuation Consolidation
- Superannuation Rollovers
- Various types of Superannuation Contributions including the ones that attract Government incentives
- What to do with your Superannuation when you retire
- Advice on locating your Superannuation Funds
By starting a conversation with us today, you can begin building a financial plan for the future. You will benefit from the combined experience and dedicated network of financial professionals across Australia. Send us a message and we will get you in touch with the closest specialist adviser.
Head Office Contact Details
Address: 45 Ventnor Avenue, West Perth WA 6005
Postal Address: PO Box 3050, Joondalup WA 6027
Email: admin@corefinancialservices.com.au
Phone: 1300 375 357